Unwanted search windows taking up too much screen space on home page. - Microsoft Community

bing has somehow invited take space on home page when open edge.  don't need either of these search windows, , intruding space news stories shown.  don't mind not looking @ trump's face, annoying. 

before ask make , model, custom built computer running windows 10 latest updates.

all want instructions make edge stop displaying these 2 search windows @ top of screen.

moved from: windows / windows 10 / windows settings / pc.

hi tony,

regarding concern, might wondering why there 2 search bars on microsoft edge browser. upper search bar can type url of website want visit. now, if click on upper search bar, notice move top of page, , leaves out second search bar. second search bar edge search engine created design , cannot removed. recommend , encourage submit issue using feedback hub. can either vote on existing submission or submit new issue. when submit feedback item, gather additional details , information issue determine what’s causing , address it. feedback items regularly receive microsoft responses on submissions in feedback app can see doing feedback. please revisit see status of feedback items.

in order submit new feedback, please follow these steps:  

1. on windows 10 device, search “feedback hub” in cortana search, launch app.
2. navigate feedback in left menu, press + add new feedback.
3. select problem, , share details think relevant, , choose appropriate category , subcategory.
4. important: if possible, reproduce problem(s) after clicking begin monitoring (or start capture) near end of form; stop monitoring when you’re done.
5. once you’ve completed form , monitoring, click submit.
6. click continue using feedback hub.
7. click my feedback @ top, find item submitted (it may take while appear).
8. open item submitted, click share.
9. click copy link, paste link here in response (it https://aka.ms/<uniquelink>).

we appreciate patience , feedback. don’t hesitate inform if have other concerns.

Microsoft Edge / All other issues / Windows 10


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