Getting ErrorCode: 120018 when trying to access Microsoft account - Microsoft Community

split thread.


we 've got user exact same issue:

"ce mot de passe été utilisé trop souvent dans le passé. choisissez une chaîne plus difficile à deviner.

(which means: "we've seen password many times before. choose harder guess.")

errorcode: 120018

correlationid: 4ab3a486-a11a-4ead-983c-c1c391c3e7d5"

it happens when tries update password "" portal.

we tested more 5 different new passwords (passwords never seen before).

office 365 synchronized ad; user's account not locked or whatsoever, account set able change password cannot reset it.

thanks in advance.

***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***

hi all,


thanks replies.


generally, password length greater 10 characters. understand users may want have longer passwords. please submit feedback improve our products , services. understanding highly appreciated.


best regards,


Office / My account, billing and sign-in / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business
