Completely opting out of the Insider program - Microsoft Community

tired of getting faulty upgrades , wish opt out insider program.  instructions on web outdated , don't work.  current method getting out of insider program?


we understand want disable auto-updates windows insider program , wants stay 16199 build. here's article can download "show or hide updates" troubleshooter package. scroll down middle part of page download troubleshooter can hide updates.

let know if there else can assist with.

this update of problems insider builds , desire opt out of insider program:

after many problems, decided there might wrong basic windows 10 went settings, recovery , selected "reset pc".  of course lost many of apps able recover of them, down loaded build 16241 , voila, works perfectly.  satisfied stay insider program, @ least until fall creator's version of windows 10 becomes available.

many of offered helpful suggestions.

Windows Insider Program / Windows Insider Preview / Windows Update


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