Excel Auto Populate Cells - Microsoft Community

given:  data entered in columns h.

            formulas entered in columns s.

the process:  if data entered in columns h, formulas how automatically copied cells thru s when data entered correctly in preceding cells h.

what causes cells automatically populate destinations cells (i thru s)?

more specifically, there 2 formula cells refuse populate.  level 2 support said, workbook must corrupted (as told me level 1 support person not speak american english.  needless confused. 

the next attempt correct issue create new workbook , enter headers , 1 row of data.  data , formulas ok.  however, when attempted enter data next row, none of cell containing formulas populated after data entered..

the recommendation when told me not understand.  have close 500 rows of data in workbook, don't want reenter data. 

how correct new workbook auto-populate cells.

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dear hardybob,

thank detailed description of issue.

could following happend in past:

  • at first had few of rows containing data , formulas describe.
  • then used fill handle copy formulas down described here:
    fill data automatically in worksheet cells
  • now when enter data in, example, cell a13, see data appearing in k13. 
  • maybe formulas didn't drag handle far down. 

could situation?

if not case, workbook contain vba-code?

see: file > options > customize ribbon > section: main tabs > switch on: developper.

back in workbook see "developper" in menu-bar.  click first button "visual basic" >  on left find a  vba project explorer.  

you can enable or disable macro's.

awaiting reply.



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