Win8.1 stuck to update at 70% Temporary issue with a server - Microsoft Community

the thing last week did install upgrade advisor, told me update, have updated moved upgrade advisor , said go in phone update install win10 mobile final step, reached 70% , error. did hard reset started beginin , removed sd card. nothing sovled issue, no there no problems internet nor it's slow, quite on contrary.

i trying upgrade windows 10 on lumia 730, before proceed upgrade advisor need update win8.1

- did hard reset

- removed sd card

- tried update, stuck on 70% each time , can't proceed upgrade advisor

i have optic internet 200mbits, on wi-fi 100mbits, not internet connection. gives me error @ 70% not further not @ less, did 2nd hard reset, nothing changed same.

is ms stopped updates win8.1 ???? still possible upgrade win10 ????

is there way install manually package downloading on pc , copy update executable phone , update ?

trying update 8.10.14234.375 8.10.14167.221

is there outages ms servers ???

**the "sub-topics" edited clarity moderator.**

hello niko,

at moment, there no issues on server side. unable replicate concern, there possibility issue caused connection.

try fixing issue doing following:

  • restart internet connection. turn internet router off , on.
  • try using different internet connection.

if issue persisted after doing workarounds above, use windows device recovery tool restore phone. if have important data on phone, don't forget back stuff before using said tool.

update phone again after restoring phone.

do let know of outcome after doing mentioned troubleshooting steps.

Mobile Devices / Microsoft Lumia and Nokia Lumia / Software update / 700-series


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