Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) Exchange Online Error - - Microsoft Community

our office 365 exchange online environment has been setup atp 1 month , using safe attachments option dynamic delivery. discovered issue email containing attachment delivered multiple recipients , received attachment after scanning except 1 user. affected user waited 4 hours email shows attached message "atp scan in progress". also, checked message trace in admin portal showed following error affected user of email.

defer reason: [{led=420 4.5.0 unable bind dynamic attachment message in mailbox. [stage: onpromotedevent][agent: time travel control agent]};{msg=};{};{ip=};{lrt=8/3/2017 12:27:22 pm}]

any ideas of why may have happened 1 user others received attachment?

hi travis,

please refer article resolve issue:

if issue persists, need collect following further issue:

1. detailed message trace result here analysis. please sent email same attachment problematic user , run message trace.

2. screenshot of error message.



Office / Office 365 for admins / Exchange Online / Office 365 for business


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