i have set name range in sheet2, column , find if value or text in column in sheet1, uf, otherwise mf.
the following code , please advise how fix doesn't work. function appropriate use, match or find...
sub sbnamerange()
dim integer
dim j integer
dim t long
dim lastrow long
dim underlying string
'adding name
names.add name:="underlying", refersto:="=sheet2!$a$1:$a$4"
lastrow = sheets("sheet1").cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row
= 1 lastrow
j = 1 lastrow
t = application.match(worksheets("sheet1").cells(i, j).value, worksheets("sheet2").[underlying])
if not iserror(t) then
worksheets("sheet1").cells(i, 6).value = "uf"
worksheets("sheet1").cells(i, 6).value = "mf"
end if
next j
next i
end sub
hi bill,
thank kind feedback.
in order close thread, , assist others may search forum archives solution similar problem, ask kindly mark response answer.
Office / Excel / Microsoft Office Programming / Office 2010
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