hopefully can me think through...
when user in database , adding new inventory items how edit/print inventory labels if create tab @ top not available - i've made hidden intentionally.
they'd printing labels added items - not in inventory.
but lets add 100 items morning, print labels, , add 100 afternoon. how make sure 100 items morning don't print again?
here i'm thinking:
-add field "todaysdate" master inventory table default value of today's date
-create query pulls items added today
-create print label button on inventory form calls query
here's i'm unsure of items don't need duplicate label printed...is there else can add button's code/macro?
any , appreciated!
don't need todaysdate column in table. if add column named isprinted of boolean (yes/no) data type table can print labels items value of column false, then, after user confirmation labels printed successfully, set value of column true. code along these lines:
const message_text = "did labels print successfully?"
const consql = "update [yourinventorytable] set isprinted = true isprinted = false"
docmd.openreport "yourlabelreport", wherecondition:="isprinted = false"
if msgbox(message_text,vbyesno+vbquestion,"confirm") = vbyes then
currentdb.execute consql, dbfailonerror
end if
Office / Access / Windows 10 / Office 2016
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