Timesheet automation for paid Leave from drop down box - Microsoft Community

i updating our timesheets include formulas calculate total hours worked work fine when filling in start, finish , lunch times - i.e. =if(d26<c26,d26+1,d26)-c26-e26. 

this formula amended include "public holiday" drop down box in 'type of leave' column automatically calculate agreed paid hours i.e. =if(h24="public holiday",0.3125,if(d24<c24,d24+1,d24)-c24-e24)

my current issue seeking drop down box includes (in addition "public holiday" 2 other types of paid leave "sick leave" , "annual leave".  how amend current formula include 3 of theses paid leave types?

as aside the, drop down box includes unpaid types of work don't need included in formula.

presumably, 'type of leave' descriptors in cell range - possibly named 'leave.types', in case use formula '=if(isnumber(match(h24,leave.types,0)),0.3125,if( ...'.

if not, can use formula '=if(isnumber(search("/"&h24&"/","/public holiday/sick leave/ ... "),,0.3125,if( ...'.

Office / Excel / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business


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