How to make a list of all modules and subs but also with all the subs - Microsoft Community
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with following code not only want create list of modules , subs in active workbook find of subs called on in subs.
the main part ok jest last part can't seem wright:
if vbcomp.find(strfindcall, istart, 1, iend, 1, false, false) = true then
strfindcall, istart , iend filled correct data using 3 of these variables not work. when replace istart , iend numbers ok, don't want that.
can please?
sub listmacros()
'make list of macros in active workbook in new worksheet
const vbext_pk_proc = 0
dim vbcomp object
dim vbcodemod object
dim olistsheet object
dim startline long
dim procname string
dim icount integer
dim intcountlines integer
dim strtemp string
dim x
application.cursor = xlwait
application.screenupdating = false
application.displayalerts = false
on error resume next
sheets("macro list").delete
on error goto 0
application.displayalerts = true
set olistsheet = activeworkbook.worksheets.add = "macro list"
icount = 1
olistsheet.range("a1").value = "file name"
olistsheet.range("b1").value = "module name"
olistsheet.range("c1").value = "macro name"
olistsheet.range("d1").value = "full macro name"
olistsheet.range("e1").value = "start line"
olistsheet.range("f1").value = "count lines"
olistsheet.range("g1").value = "calls"
rows("1:1").font.bold = true
on error resume next
each vbcomp in activeworkbook.vbproject.vbcomponents
set vbcodemod = activeworkbook.vbproject.vbcomponents(
intcountlines = vbcomp.codemodule.countoflines
'run through every line of code in module:
x = 1 intcountlines
strtemp = trim(vbcomp.codemodule.lines(x, 1))
if left(strtemp, 8) = "function" then
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 0).value =
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 1).value = vbcodemod
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 2).value = .procofline(x, vbext_pk_proc)
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 3).value = strtemp
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 4).value = x
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 5).value = intcountlines
icount = icount + 1
end if
if left(strtemp, 16) = "private function" then
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 0).value =
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 1).value = vbcodemod
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 2).value = .procofline(x, vbext_pk_proc)
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 3).value = strtemp
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 4).value = x
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 5).value = intcountlines
icount = icount + 1
end if
if left(strtemp, 15) = "public function" then
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 0).value =
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 1).value = vbcodemod
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 2).value = .procofline(x, vbext_pk_proc)
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 3).value = strtemp
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 4).value = x
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 5).value = intcountlines
icount = icount + 1
end if
if left(strtemp, 3) = "sub" then
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 0).value =
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 1).value = vbcodemod
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 2).value = .procofline(x, vbext_pk_proc)
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 3).value = strtemp
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 4).value = x
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 5).value = intcountlines
icount = icount + 1
end if
if left(strtemp, 11) = "private sub" then
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 0).value =
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 1).value = vbcodemod
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 2).value = .procofline(x, vbext_pk_proc)
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 3).value = strtemp
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 4).value = x
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 5).value = intcountlines
icount = icount + 1
end if
if left(strtemp, 10) = "public sub" then
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 0).value =
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 1).value = vbcodemod
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 2).value = .procofline(x, vbext_pk_proc)
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 3).value = strtemp
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 4).value = x
olistsheet.[a1].offset(icount, 5).value = intcountlines
icount = icount + 1
end if
next x
end with
' set vbcodemod = nothing
next vbcomp
call add_calls_to_list
.splitcolumn = 0
.splitrow = 1
end with
activewindow.freezepanes = true
application.screenupdating = true
application.cursor = xldefault
end sub
sub add_calls_to_list()
dim arr new collection, a
dim afirstarray() variant
dim icount long
dim long
dim istart integer
dim iend integer
dim yrow integer
dim sht
dim mymodulename string
dim mysub string
dim strfindcall string
dim vbcomp object
dim introw integer
dim boofindcall_1 boolean
dim boofindcall_2 boolean
dim boofindcall_3 boolean
dim boofindcall_4 boolean
application.screenupdating = false
set sht = activeworkbook.sheets("macro list")
icount = 2
on error resume next
yrow = 2 sht.cells(sht.rows.count, "a").end(xlup).row
mymodulename = sht.range("b" & yrow)
mysub = sht.range("c" & yrow)
' mysub = "workbook_aftersave"
' mysub = "workbook_beforesave"
' mysub = "workbook_sheetactivate"
on error resume next
set vbcomp = activeworkbook.vbproject.vbcomponents(mymodulename).codemodule
if err.number <> 0 then
msgbox ("module : " & mymodulename & vbcr & "does not exist.")
exit sub
end if
'get start line number , end line number form sheet
istart = sht.range("e" & icount)
if sht.range("f" & icount) = sht.range("f" & icount + 1) then
iend = sht.range("e" & icount + 1) - 1
elseif not sht.range("f" & icount) = sht.range("f" & icount + 1) then
iend = sht.range("f" & icount)
end if
introw = 2 sht.cells(sht.rows.count, "a").end(xlup).row
' rowend = sht.cells(sht.rows.count, "a").end(xlup).row
strfindcall = sht.range("c" & introw)
' boofindcall_1 = vbcomp.find("workbook_aftersave", 6, 1, 28, 1, false, false)
' boofindcall_2 = vbcomp.find("workbook_aftersave", istart, 1, iend, 1, false, false)
' boofindcall_3 = vbcomp.find(strfindcall, istart, 1, iend, 1, false, false)
' boofindcall_4 = vbcomp.find(strfindcall, 6, 1, 28, 1, false, false)
'this not work correct:
if vbcomp.find(strfindcall, istart, 1, iend, 1, false, false) = true then
afirstarray() = array(strfindcall)
redim preserve afirstarray(0 ubound(afirstarray) + 1) variant
end if
next introw
'keep unique calls
each in afirstarray 'keep unique calls
arr.add a, a
next a
'add unique calls columns next 'mysub'
= 1 arr.count 'add unique calls columns next 'mysub'
cells(icount, + 6) = arr(i)
next i
icount = icount + 1
' debug.print vbcomp.procbodyline(mysub, vbext_pk_proc)
' debug.print vbcomp.procofline(7, vbext_pk_proc)
' debug.print vbcomp.proccountlines(mysub, vbext_pk_proc)
' debug.print sfdsd = vbcomp.find("peter depraetere", istart, 1, iend, 1, false, false)
' debug.print trim(vbcomp.lines(x, 1)) 'geeft de code op regel x weer van vbcomp
end with
next yrow
end sub
would perhaps have sugestions how make list of subs and with where all subs called on?
just fun, wrote code based on idea, quick , dirty.
works, output helpful? imho no.
option explicit
sub test()
dim wb workbook
dim vbcomp vbide.vbcomponent
dim long, j long
dim mname string, pname string, pkind vbide.vbext_prockind, pline long
dim pkindnames(0 3) string
pkindnames(vbext_pk_proc) = "proc"
pkindnames(vbext_pk_get) = "property get"
pkindnames(vbext_pk_let) = "property let"
pkindnames(vbext_pk_set) = "property set"
dim dict object 'scripting.dictionary
dim key string
dim pitem, items
dim pnames new collection
dim pdata new collection
dim pbody string
dim f long, t long
dim data
set wb = workbooks("ak.xlam")
'get proc names
set dict = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
each vbcomp in wb.vbproject.vbcomponents
mname =
= .countofdeclarationlines + 1 .countoflines
pname = .procofline(i, pkind)
pitem = array(mname, pname, pkind)
key = join(pitem, "|")
pitem = array(mname, pname, pkind, i)
if not dict.exists(key) then
dict.add key, pitem
pnames.add pname
end if
end with
'scan proc calls
items = dict.items
= 0 ubound(items)
mname = items(i)(0)
pname = items(i)(1)
pkind = items(i)(2)
pline = items(i)(3)
set vbcomp = wb.vbproject.vbcomponents(mname)
f = .procstartline(pname, pkind)
t = .proccountlines(pname, pkind)
pbody = .lines(f, t)
pdata.add array(mname, pname, pkindnames(pkind), pline, .lines(.procbodyline(pname, pkind), 1))
each pitem in pnames
if instr(pbody, pitem) > 0 then
if pname <> pitem then
pdata.add array("->", pitem)
end if
end if
end with
redim data(1 pdata.count, 1 5)
= 0
each pitem in pdata
= + 1
j = 0 ubound(pitem)
data(i, j + 1) = pitem(j)
range("a1:d1") = array("module", "proc", "kind", "line")
range("a2").resize(ubound(data), ubound(data, 2)).value = data
end sub
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