Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Community



i have been trying firgure out if excel can "keep row data" subtotals.  example, below:


year    fund name    fund #    gl name    gl #                   amount

2012    parks              118         admin         950000               $10,000.00

2012    parks              118         admin         950000               $10,000.00

                                                                 950000 subtotal  $20,000.000


what want is:

year   fund name    fund #    gl name   gl #          amount

2012   parks              118         admin        950000       $10,000.00

2012   parks              118         admin        950000       $10,000.00

2012   parks             118         admin       950000        $20,000.00 row data in subtotal line.


using excel table or want use formula =a4 (presuming 2012 in a3) ?

Office / Excel / Windows other


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