Tab Controls - Microsoft Community

i having issues tab control.  have main form kind of on switchboard type design. user clicks on button labeled "t&c analyst view."  clicking on button opens form called "frmtcanalyst" with tab control on form , on pages of tab control separate subforms open each page clicked on.  problem having when click "t&c analyst view" button, opens t&c analyst form on new vms jo's page nothing displays in subform called  frmtcanalystsuball1 unless click on other pages , come new vms jo's page.  wondering might need subform to load when user clicks on the "t&c analyst view" button.  code using tab control enough to ensure query relating particular page loaded upon loading frmtcanalyst not have 4-5 different queries running each page on tab control?  appreciate far expert in access.    

below code on click event for command button on switchboard labeled "t&c analyst view" 

private sub command32_click()
on error goto err_command32_click

    dim stdocname string
    dim stlinkcriteria string

    stdocname = "frmtcanalyst"
    docmd.openform stdocname, , , stlinkcriteria

    exit sub

below code change event on tab control:

private sub tabctl1_change()
  select case tabctl1.pages.item(tabctl1.value).name
    case "my new vms jo's"
      if len(frmtcanalystsub1.sourceobject) = 0 then
      frmtcanalystsub1.sourceobject = "frmtcanalystsub"
        frmtcanalystsub1.linkchildfields = "frmtcanalyst"
      end if
    case "all new vms jo's"
      if len(frmtcanalystsuball1.sourceobject) = 0 then
        frmtcanalystsuball1.sourceobject = "frmtcanalystsuball"
        frmtcanalystsuball1.linkchildfields = "frmtcanalyst"
      end if
    case "my rate changes"
      if len(frmtcratechanges1.sourceobject) = 0 then
        frmtcratechanges1.sourceobject = "frmtcratechanges"
        frmtcratechanges1.linkchildfields = "frmtcanalyst"
      end if
    case "all rate changes"
      if len(frmtcratechangesall1.sourceobject) = 0 then
        frmtcratechangesall1.sourceobject = "frmtcratechangesall"
        frmtcratechangesall1.linkchildfields = "frmtcanalyst"
      end if
  end select

end sub




hi llorrac1 ,



Office / Access / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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