Extract 4 characters in no specific order - Microsoft Community

hi, need extract 4 characters in uppercase each cell, dont come in same order need help:


c dry gin ale-ko btcn 237ml alcn n  1ls 12
c dry gin ale-ko 355ml alcn n 1ls 12
c dry tonic-ko 355ml alcn n 1ls 12
c dry gin ale-ko post 9.5lt cdbb n 1ls
c dry soda wtr-ko btcn 2lt plbt n   1ls 6
fresca btcn 2.5lt plbt n  1ls 6
fresca btcn 3lt plbt n   1ls 6

i need extract first 4 uppercase characters in order have:








here simple udf coded in vba

best wishes

function findfour(mycell)
 mytext = mycell.value
 for k = 1 len(mytext) - 3
   myfour = mid(mytext, k, 4)
   mycount = 0
   j = 1 4
     mychar = mid(myfour, j, 1)
     if asc(mychar) >= 65 , asc(mychar) <= 90 mycount = mycount + 1
   next j
   if mycount = 4 then
    findfour = myfour
    exit for
   end if
 next k
end function

Office / Excel / Windows 10 / Office 2013


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