Can I undo the favorites organize after it has alphabetized (read - Microsoft Community

can undo favorites organize" once has occurred?  accidentally hit every year or two, , redoes favorites alphabetically, seems ridiculous.  had them listed oldest recent, works better me, jumble.  alphabetical me no good.  disable so-called "feature".

can undo favorites organize" once has occurred?  accidentally hit every year or two, , redoes favorites alphabetically, seems ridiculous.  had them listed oldest recent, works better me, jumble.  alphabetical me no good.  disable so-called "feature".

even if don't accidentally "sort name" internet explorer capable of reverting alphabetical order no obvious reason.

if you don't want rename favorites alphabetical order works you  (ayahoo or 1yahoo will come before bing or msn, example) can export registry key (maybe once per week) preserve custom sort order.

[windows key + r]> type in regedit , hit enter.

navigate hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\menuorder\favorites

right-click favorites , export folder/location of choice.

to restore custom sort order in future, double-click or right-click> merge that reg file.


Internet Explorer / Internet Explorer 8 / Other/Unknown


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