Office 2016 "Click to Run" Updates Fail on Metered Connections - Microsoft Community

the problem defined in locked thread:

most users seem succeed turning off "metered connection". may more complex that.

i can sure short, maybe 2 hours visit unmetered connection did not work me. folders 68 update files download , pile in

c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\clicktorun\updates

but never install.

yesterday got spend day on non-metered connection. watched resource monitor several hours while clicktorun downloaded hundreds of files. pretty stopped, showing 50 b/s continuously hour. experiment, enabled , started update orchestrator service windows update , windows update service, keep disabled because on metered connection waste data allowance. clicktorun jumped action, downloading hour of files (possibly same ones again?). there never "update successful" message, disgusting banner @ top of excel window gone! , old update folders deleted.

so maybe office clicktorun updates require conventional windows update mechanism details. saw clicktorun connections 5 different ip addresses , excel 2 more simultaneously, lot going on. , today, despite having user settings telemetry far off can them, office telemetry monopolized cpu , internet connection @ least 15 minutes.

if microsoft going insist on using internet bandwidth, seems owe rural users better connection options.

hi loren,

thanks taking time share experience us.

regarding situation, suggest submit feedback @ office 365 uservoice i believe best way let related team hear voice.



Office / Install, upgrade and activate / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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