LONG RUNNING SCRIPT ERROR WIN 10/IE11 - Microsoft Community

i have tried 2 years answer isn't go internet tools , check script debugging , uncheck show script error. has solution isn't same answer? seems fix in 2 years.

l tpatterson replied:

i have had problem 2 months now. can please fix problem.        

if happening on 1 (or few) website(s) there really (by internet explorer standards) long running script on page , ie doing favor providing "stop script" option. click on stop script button.

again, if only a site or 2 affected...

it might break desirable feature on site, placing site in restricted sites disable javascript , script messages stop.

internet options> security> restricted sites...

if you're seeing message on or sites, browser add-on might causing it.

note: google toolbar has caused script problems users.

start internet explorer without add-ons start> programs> accessories> system tools> internet explorer (no add-ons)

from start> run (or windows logo key + r) type in iexplore.exe -extoff

(iexplore.exe<space>-extoff) hit enter.

if problem goes away, an add-on causing it.

to determine add-on causing problem see old (but still relevant) article:

ieblog  troubleshooting , internet explorer’s (no add-ons) mode:

another option: other browsers edge, chrome , firefox more forgiving of these script problems. consider using browser on affected sites.


Internet Explorer / Internet Explorer 11 / Windows 10


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