How to count number of rows that have at least one numeric value? - Microsoft Community

can provide a formula that counts number of rows have @ least 1 numeric value in c:l in row, without relying on helper cells?

the formula must work in excel 2003.

see image below.  can download file "count rows conditions.xls" (click here). [1]  ignore preview errors.  download file.

the formula in m3 =sum(n6:n19) .

the formulas in n7:n19 of form (showing n7; n6 empty):  =--(count(c7:l7)>0) .

note ryan has no 1s in row.  ryan should not counted in m3.



enter below formula array formula (ctrl+shift+enter):


counts non-blank rows.


amit tandon

Office / Excel / Other/unknown / Unknown/other


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