errors 500- get-CalendarFolderConfiguration - Microsoft Community


we use outlook web, have :

{"body":{"errorcode":500,"exceptionname":"mailboxinfostaleexception","faultmessage":"impossible de se connecter à la boîte aux lettres de l'utilisateur mailbox database guid: e71d143a-27ff-4fde-a514-e7df2185d595, car l'objet exchangeprincipal contient des informations obsolètes. la boîte aux lettres peut-être été déplacée récemment.","istransient":false,"responsecode":"errorinternalservererror"}}

(xhr)post -
http500: erreur de serveur. le serveur ne peut pas exécuter la requête, car il rencontré une condition inattendue

permissions folders , calendar no longer work.

support in eu is....


hi cl60,


to check issue, need collect following information.

1.  issue occurs before or happen recently?

2.  how many users impacted?

3.  action cause issue? example, mean when go, error occurs or others? can capture screenshots of error here.

4. regarding” permissions folders , calendar no longer work”, provide more information it?




Office / Office 365 for admins / Exchange Online / Office 365 for business


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