Notification that a user is already on the requested work sheet. - Microsoft Community

in earlier post. hans v assisted me in notifying user when on active sheet 2 different work sheets. tried modifying code single worksheet & not provide user notification. go requested worksheet. there missing?

here current code:

sub monthly_referrals()
dim msg string, ans variant
    msg = "would go monthly referral chart?"
    ans = msgbox(msg, vbyesno)
    select case ans
    case vbyes
      if = sheets(67).name then
                msgbox "you on monthly referral chart!", vbinformation
                sheets("monthly referals").activate
                end if
                end select
end sub

here code solution:

sub monthly_referrals()
dim msg string, ans variant
    msg = "would go monthly referral chart?"
    ans = msgbox(msg, vbyesno)
    select case ans
    case vbyes
      if activesheet.codename = "sheet67" then
                msgbox "you on monthly referral chart!", vbinformation
                sheets("monthly referals").activate
                end if
                end select
end sub

Office / Excel / Other/unknown / Office 2010


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