Highlighting cells in a range that meet two criteria - Microsoft Community

i need cells in range highlight red if contain value , in column today's date in row 1.  if cell contains value , in column matches tomorrow's date, cell should shaded yellow.

use following formulas selected area conditional format starts @ cell b2. (ie. in screen snippet conditional format "applies to" =$b$2:$e$5)

=and(b2<>"",b$1=today())            (formula red format)

=and(b2<>"",b$1=today()+1)       (formula yellow format)


b2 in formula first cell of conditional format area. if not b2 edit first cell of applies area,

b1 not have in conditional format "applies to" area.

the $ sign in front of 1 in b$1 test applies first row irrespective of row gets conditional format color. not having $ in front of b formula apply across remaining columns otherwise they will test b1 instead of b1, c1, d1 etc.

Office / Excel / Windows 10


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