Arrange shape in circle - Microsoft Community
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may know how arrange shape nicely vba? intention create shape or wordart vba , automatic arrange it.
i have pre-created 10 wordart , make animation it.
thank help.
sub demo()
dim arshapes() variant
dim objrange, objrange2 object
dim shpno, integer
dim str string
dim randno, remain integer
= 1
shpno = 0
randno = application.worksheetfunction.randbetween(50, 255)
set objrange2 = activesheet.shapes.range(array("rectangle 0", "rectangle 1", "rectangle 2", "rectangle 3", "rectangle 4", "rectangle 5", "rectangle 6", "rectangle 7", "rectangle 8", "rectangle 9"))
remain = randno
while <= randno
activesheet.shapes("10-point star 3").textframe.characters.text = remain - 1
if shpno > 0 or > 1 then
if objrange2.textframe.characters.font.colorindex = 3 then
objrange2.textframe.characters.font.colorindex = -1
end if
end if
str = "rectangle " & shpno
arshapes = array(str)
set objrange = activesheet.shapes.range(arshapes)
set objrange2 = activesheet.shapes.range(arshapes)
if objrange.textframe.characters.font.colorindex = 3 then
objrange.textframe.characters.font.colorindex = -1
objrange.textframe.characters.font.colorindex = 3
end if
application.wait (now + 0.000002)
if remain < 5 then
application.wait (now + 0.000006)
end if
shpno = shpno + 1
if shpno > 9 shpno = 0
= + 1
remain = remain - 1
msgbox activesheet.shapes(str).textframe.characters.text
end sub
your code did not run in new file. try code below in new file.
option explicit
sub shapeclock()
dim ws worksheet
dim base range, msg range
dim sh shape
dim mx double, double
dim time shape
dim hourarrow shape, minutearrow shape, secondarrow shape
dim points, degree double
set ws = activesheet
each sh in ws.shapes
set base = activewindow.visiblerange
set base = base.resize(base.rows.count - 3, base.columns.count - 3).offset(1, 1)
set sh = ws.shapes.addshape(msoshapedonut, .left, .top, .height, .height)
end with
set msg = base.rows(0)
msg.horizontalalignment = xlcenter
.adjustments(1) = 0.005
mx = .left + .width / 2
= .top + .height / 2
set hourarrow = ws.shapes.addshape(msoshaperightarrow, mx, - 50, .width / 4, 100)
hourarrow.shapestyle = msoshapestylepreset10
set minutearrow = ws.shapes.addshape(msoshaperightarrow, mx, - 25, .width / 2, 50)
minutearrow.shapestyle = msoshapestylepreset11
set secondarrow = ws.shapes.addshape(msoshaperightarrow, mx, - 10, .width / 2, 20)
secondarrow.shapestyle = msoshapestylepreset8
end with
on error goto errorhandler
application.enablecancelkey = xlerrorhandler
msg = vba.time$
degree = hour(now) / 12 * 360 - 90
points = pointoncircle(sh.width / 8, degree, mx, my)
.left = points(0) - .width / 2
.top = points(1) - .height / 2
.rotation = degree
end with
degree = minute(now) / 60 * 360 - 90
points = pointoncircle(sh.width / 4, degree, mx, my)
.left = points(0) - .width / 2
.top = points(1) - .height / 2
.rotation = degree
end with
degree = second(now) / 60 * 360 - 90
points = pointoncircle(sh.width / 4, degree, mx, my)
.left = points(0) - .width / 2
.top = points(1) - .height / 2
.rotation = degree
end with
'give excel time update shapes on screen
end sub
private function pointoncircle(byval r, byval angle, optional byval x double, optional byval y double) variant
dim result(0 1)
result(0) = cos(rad(angle)) * r + x
result(1) = sin(rad(angle)) * r + y
pointoncircle = result
end function
private function rad(byval x double) double
rad = x * atn(1) * 4 / 180
end function
Office / Excel / Microsoft Office Programming
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